Sunday, October 18, 2009


The Yays

1. stargazing, rollerblades, clublife and chocolate milk!
2. platypi, dingos and wombats. (ah, the metatherian life)
3. my sexy double-clutching... MISA~愛~!!
4. ice hockey, MGD, beer pong and sunshine
5. PS3 (me likey)
6. twopack shacker, night owls & samosas, and dying robotic pterodactyls at work
7. FROST, tiesto, asot
8. 3 hour POWER naps
9. Kid Cudi and mr solo dolo, keeping hiphop alive in my mind
10. one piece manga, science blogs and sneezy pandas
11. mario kart analogies, simpsons ideologies and quagmire's cherry pop (giggity)
12. frozen grape slushies and SNOW!!
13. wednesday night rib eyes
14. pristine =) GO TEAM!
15. wasabi chop-chop and wonton soup
16. Darwin's Origin of Species, King Kong, Planet of the Apes, the Year of the Gorilla, and Ardi
17. SLAM Kicksology, fresh whites and ballers
18. Emma Watson and Hayden Panettiere
19. Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there.
20. just plain being random, and nunchuks.

The Nays

1. MaxxLIMS, U-logs and fried squid
2. global warming
3. Wyclef, country, 91.7, Miley Cyrus, and "techno"
4. XXL and ghetto booty dimples
5. moonshine and MMORPGs
6. September and adamant miraclists
7. the status quo
8. table top etiquette
9. Hov's a Blackberry Bold (and I'm not)
10. racoons, magpies, and seagulls
11. NHL10 and artificial intelligence
12. the edo japan at capilano
13. your sycamore style more sicka than me
14. the Spirit... seriously wtf?!
15. overcooked steak and white "veal"
16. mass extinction: episode 6
17. rice rockets and heatbag spoilers
18. park my ride and leave it in gear :@
19. disobeying the bro code
20. hiphop is dead... or is it? oh the struggle...

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